當他在加入職業後的第一個完整球季的2004年在low A的478個AB中打出.251/.322/.404的成績並吞下117K後,許多人對Brandon Wood的潛力和未來存了不少懷疑,I'm not sure why but I just wasn't one of them.

看重天賦的BA雖然仍然沒有太看衰他,但也只敢給個an everyday infielder who should hit for average and 15-20hr annually這樣保守的projection。如果有人還有印象的話,自從去年Wood在high A一開季就表現優異後,我就已經不止一次提醒過你要好好注意這個傢伙,所以當Wood去年累計在536個AB一共打出了43發HR和.321/.383/.672的成績,迅速躍升為Anaheim的top prospect甚至整個MLB的top 10 prospect時,我並不會感到過於驚訝。或許他沒辦法長成接近A-Rod等級的大物或者每年在大聯盟裡有將近40支全壘打的表現,但至少會是個很不錯的遊擊手。

This year Brandon would start from Arkansas and head toward Salt Lake,it's possible that his plate discipline could give him some trouble during the season, but my gut feeling is that he will be doing well. Hope that I'm still right on him this year.


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