McCann left the field due to being hit by the swing of Barajas while catching and the Braves took the expected loss.

當看到雙方的先發投手分別是Cole Hamels與Mark Redman時,可能就有不少人心理浮現出了"投降輸一半"五個字。不過比賽開始後,觀察Redman的投球,我們可以很快地發現幾件事:

1.He's tossing softball. (84~86mph)
2.He can't hit the corner.
3.His changeup is not working
4.Therefore, everybody is hitting him hard.
5.He's a lucky boy.

第一局Redman雖然沒有失去任何分數,但任何有在看比賽的人應該都不會認為勇士隊這場比賽還有超過三成的勝率,看Redman投球對一個勇士迷來說根本只是單純的心臟強度檢測,that was just ugly. Redman的球速在mid-80s徘徊,他的變速球丟不出來,控球不算差但是沒有好到可以持續擊中好球帶內外低角落,第一棒Rollins將一顆外角變速球敲成左外野平射安打,接著Rowand被保送,不過這時勇士隊還有最後的一絲希望,本季Redman讓右、左打的上壘率分別是.488/.190,而接 下來的兩位打者都是左打,不過,他們的名字分別叫Utley和Howard,they both hit a bullet right at Francoeur, and then Burrel pop out to short. Hallelujah!! Redman pitched a socreless inning!!

一局下半,勇士們發現了一個更好的消息:Hamels doesn't have his command on the fastball. For someone who doesn't have enough power in the fastball, you stay down in the zone before you establish your off-speed pitch. Hamels failed to do that. 一開場KJ先敲了一支二壘安打上壘,雖然目前為止我只看了兩三場勇士的比賽,but MAN!! You have to love watching KJ hit!! He's like Chipper, rarely swinging at a pitch that he shouldn't. Unlike Chipper, he doesn't have that powerful rotation swing to generate dinger after dinger. He just takes a quick, compact swing and spray linedrives all over the field. Maybe he's being hot and play over his head a bit but he's gonna have a great year.

一局下Chipper利用了Hamels的control problem逮中了一個belt high inside fastball開了一砲,接著一二壘有人時McCann敲出了勇士的連續第四支安打打回第三分,可惜的是三壘教練Snitker和Francoeur做了一個不必要的冒險在此時衝本壘並且以失敗坐收,當然純以時間來說,這球有拼的道理,不過一來當時只有一出局,這一分並不需要安打就可以要到,二來Hamels已經被連敲四支安打,我們不需要用別的方法來贊助他出局數,三來別忘了我們的投手丘上站的是哪位,這第三分並不會是對比賽有關鍵性影響的一分,勇士需要做到的是讓Hamels徹底被打爆,因為待會我們自己的投手也會爆。


在分數超前後,Hamels也更改了投球策略,開始建立他的變速球,而且效果相當好,尤其是對AJ、Franchy、Wilsonx這幾個big swinger,結果一直到Hamels下場前,只有Chipper抓到一個偏高的變速又開了一砲拿到一分。不過這場比賽對勇士來說,輸贏並不重要,重要的是McCann的手指狀況如何?在有了KJ之後,這個打線不需要讓人擔心,但是McCann的價值相信不用多加著墨,如果他需要缺陣一段時間,那會是很大的傷害。

另外在比賽中間,我也轉台去看了一兩局Hughes的投球,在radar gun上他的速度只有90mph上下,但我對這個數字也有一定的懷疑,如果不是槍有問題,那就是Rangers hitters are really in a mess,以打者應對的狀況來看,Hughes的球速應不止於此。不過今天他曲球真的是發揮的淋漓盡致,he keeps pounding the strikezone with that killing curve and nobody can hit it. 不過後來似乎是扭到hamstring下場,也失去了挑戰no-hitter的機會。

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