最近BP上Jason Parks寫了這一系列的scouting基本介紹文,對這部份有興趣的人可以去看看,前面投手部分的兩篇已經寫完,當中有許多點跟我一直以來談到的觀念很一致,簡單抓幾個點出來:
"Every pitcher is unique, so every hand will form a different relationship with the ball and therefore produce a different result. You have to look at the pitcher as an individual."
"Scouting movement in person can be very challenging, as your eyes can play tricks on you, convincing you of movement in the absence of movement. Because of this phenomenon, I try to pay close attention to the hitters, watching their reactions to the pitch, judging extreme movement by what I can see from the ball and from where the bat starts versus where it ends up in the zone."
這我在談sinker的時候也提過,一個sinker的好壞不是光看投手投就可以輕易判斷的,當時我說過「因此要觀察一個伸卡球投手的威力,必須要透過實際觀察打者與之應對的情況才能夠判斷」,跟Jason Parks這裡提到的意思是一樣的。
"Again, if you doubt your eyes and don’t want to fall victim to the trompe l’oeil, just watch the hitter"
"To reiterate, I scout the fastball in three parts—velocity, command, and movement—....Some scouts value one more than the other, but I tend to give equal weight to each component when factoring the overall grade."
"People seem to like breaking balls for the same reason they like fastball velocity: You can clearly identify the degree of nastiness involved"
"Deception is the key is to secondary efficiency, and this is especially true for changeups....Changeups aren’t just built on deception alone; above-average changeups are the result of the happy marriage between deception and movement."
我多年來也不知道提過多少次了,曲折系球路的主要威力來自於其sharpness(他用的字是nastiness不過意思是一樣的),變速球的主要威力來源是其deception,其次是其軌跡的變化,而不是在那邊跟速球差8mph還是差10mph。相信對台灣教練球評們來說,Jason Parks分成上下兩篇談投手的文裡面竟然完全沒有提到要把投手最快速度減掉最慢速度來看差幾mph,他一定是個根本不懂棒球的大外行。
總之,這兩篇文章的內容雖然不少都是我多年來提過很多次的東西,但也有一些我沒提過或著墨不深的內容,雖然整體還是講得滿淺顯的,但對部分有興趣的人,尤其過去沒有看我的東西的人,可以去看看Jason Parks這兩篇,算是相當不錯的入門介紹。