目前分類:Pitching - The scientific art (30)
- May 13 Fri 2011 15:21
Prospects Will Break Your Heart by Jason Parks
- Nov 03 Tue 2009 11:40
Pitching is a bit more intricate than that.
With a 6-run lead at the end of 7th. Phillies should be able to take this one despite of their bullpen.
- May 27 Tue 2008 07:59
Some thoughts after reading "A bridge too far".
Throwing great doesn't mean pitching well, and vice versa.
- Apr 06 Sun 2008 08:04
What makes a good sinker.
- Nov 19 Mon 2007 07:59
Missing the indispensable.
Analyzing pitch sequence with sabermetrics? Not a good idea.
- Aug 26 Sun 2007 08:16
Living on the outside.
Would keeping pitching outside makes the pitcher more predictable?
- Jul 07 Sat 2007 16:05
Greeting the hitters.
How do you say hello the right way?
- Mar 06 Tue 2007 03:13
The manner matters.
Just some simple notes on IPORTs
- Nov 10 Fri 2006 20:50
It's not the difference in the speed but the change of speed.
Thanks to the most hardheaded one, I've finally known what's missing.
- Aug 27 Sun 2006 20:23
Come on, it's just a name.
- Aug 16 Wed 2006 20:22
An abstruse term, or just something out of imagination?
- Jun 22 Thu 2006 00:52
You're not facing a bat, but the man who's holding it.
- May 07 Sun 2006 22:45
Blame yourself first.
- Mar 24 Fri 2006 23:52
On breaking ball
昨天談了Inside-out swing,不過我對這種打擊的細部技術的瞭解並不充分,僅能透過書上的知識和我自己的理解來推論,可能會有理解不夠完整或不夠正確的地方。而今天我就接著之前速差大沒用的話題來稍微談一下變化球中的曲折系變化球,也就是所謂的breaking ball。
- Mar 19 Sun 2006 01:17
You can't count on the catcher all the time.
最近看WBC時想到了一個關於配球問題,配球的目的是在於投出打者最不容易有效攻擊的球,為了達到這個目的,投捕手必須能夠在所掌握到的訊息之中做出正確的判斷和推測,而這些訊息很重要的一個來源是打者對前幾個球的反應,作為一個配球者(可能是投手或捕手)必須要能夠read the batter,從打者的動作、反應、擊球狀況來獲取所需要的訊息,打者的擊球狀況捕手當然很清楚地可以看到,但是打者的動作和反應捕手就未必能夠觀察得很清楚,因為他還必須要接捕投手投來的球,在面對高達90mph的速球和犀利的變化球的同時,捕手能夠把打者的一切動作和反應觀察得很清楚嗎?
- Mar 08 Wed 2006 18:38
- Mar 01 Wed 2006 10:22
Why is Ichiro! doing this?
「面對速球派的投手,有一件事是Ichiro!一定會去做的……。以Randy Johnson這個打席為例,他在等Randy Johnson投出slider,而實際上他投出的卻是快速直球時,自己能不能應變……。」
- Dec 19 Mon 2005 18:48
Pitch selection:Why not the pitcher?