
Is it too much? I think so.

兩個月前,我曾經討論過Coors Field的改變,現在球季進行到只剩最後兩個月了,Coors Field在ESPN的各項Park Factor如下:






















如你所看到的,Coors Field在丹佛的高海拔和稀薄空氣下,不但不再是過去那個投手來幾個死幾個的投手墳場,甚至現在是一座投手球場!! Joe Sheehan在今天的Prospectus Today中談到了這個issue,雖然洛磯隊或許希望人們將這個變化看成他們在培養及強化隊上投手戰力的成效,但我想這個論點是欠缺說服力的,當然洛磯隊或許的確有著更好的pitching staff,這一點Sheehan也在文章中有討論到,他用洛磯隊的投手在主客場的成績來做比較,但我們也可以從另一個角度來看:

Opp. Pitching at Denver







 Before 2006














這是客隊投手在Coors Field的成績,而今年之前的投手我們只看在Coors Field投球超過50IP的投手,如果只是因為洛磯隊的投手陣容變好了,我們要怎麼解釋這些數字?而且不要忘了,2006成績的樣本是所有在Coors Field出賽過的投手,2006之前卻是在Coors Field投球超過50局的投手,要達成這個條件,通常是在NL West球隊中佔有rotation一角超過一定時間或者更長時間在NL中投球的投手,這些投手所形成的樣本平均水準應該是會比2006樣本中投手來得高的,事實上達到這個條件的投手總共也只有13人,他們分別是Curt Schilling、Kirk Rueter、Tom Glavine、Randy Johnson、Adam Eaton、Pete Harnisch、Shawn Estes、Jason Schmidt、Kevin Brown、Hideo Nomo、Livan Hernandez、Andy Benes、Russ Ortiz。


"I don't blame the Rockies at all. They're convinced that their best chance to win is to deaden the baseballs and create a nine-run environment. That they had their most success as a franchise when they hit the snot out of the ball--while getting adequate starting pitching and great relief work--hasn't registered. There's nothing wrong with them asking for permission to alter the baseballs in a manner that fits their needs. However, they shouldn't be able to turn a ballpark one mile high into what it's become today, a slight pitchers' park. MLB, which approved the humidor plan to begin with, has to step in and restore order. There's no way--no way--that Coors Field should play neutral. You want to bring it with a certain distance of the other parks, that's fine, but you can't mess with the baseballs so much that it cancels out all the run-enhancing effects of the altitude."


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