目前分類:Rambling on the game (93)

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It rains!! Wrong day, though.

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With the help of the early burst of the offense.

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42 and going.

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The Braves came back from a 3 runs deficit and blew it.

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McCann left the field due to being hit by the swing of Barajas while catching and the Braves took the expected loss.

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That there will be something out of expectation.

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Detroit vs St. Louis,連續兩年中區對決。

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Mets' taking the lead on the top of 5th.

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8:5,Detroit 2:0 Oakland

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Just some notes.

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好一陣子沒看比賽,今天看了M's跟Halos戰的前半段,也是第一次注意看Jered Weaver的投球,的確是個很棒的小子。

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1.John's off-season magic.

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1.That's 5 in a row.

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1.Felix' still a mess.

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Another blown save for Reitsma.

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1.勇士隊又因為一個mental mistake導致失分,McBride繼LaRoche之後也上了一課。

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Good defense by Seattle.

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