Q:Hey I’ve heard of guys like Terry Pendleton moving up in the batters box when facing sinker-ball pitchers in order to get to the ball before it breaks. Why don’t more guys move up in the batter’s box on Mariano Rivera? Seems like that would be the perfect way to guard against that quick cutter.
A:Moving up on Rivera would not work. His cut fastball sinks right over the plate. You should move up on sinker, curve ball and change up. You can't move up on a cutter because it just cuts too late. People have tried everything against Rivera’s cutter but he is just the best at what he does. You have to hope he makes a mistake.
回答問題的這位是MLB的名人堂選手,Big Red Machine的偉大二壘手,現任ESPN commentator的Joe Morgan。
- Sep 15 Wed 2004 21:52
People who played it said so, therefore it must be so?? - (1)