Top 50 MLB players age 25 or under by Keith Law.
No. 12 Jason Heyward
"To compensate, he altered his swing so that his first movement sends his hands -- and the bat -- down at the ball, producing groundballs at a scary rate so that his power doesn't play."
"His patience remained intact"
No. 29 Freddie Freeman
"his most likely path to stardom would be to exceed those power projections, but despite his size his current swing doesn't foreshadow 30-homer power"
上面同一篇裡我也提過「我主要對他的疑慮是在他到底有沒有以前我聽說的power,這部份目前從他的swing和球被打到的狀態來看都還在不理想的狀態」,這裡Law也和我對他的swing有一樣的看法,Freeman與star player的距離主要就在他的power能長多少了,時間還站在他這邊,let's wait and see.
No. 40 Tommy Hanson
"He hasn't had surgery or been diagnosed with anything more serious, but shoulder problems are rarely minor. A healthy Hanson would be in the top dozen names here."
八月初我看了他的一場先發,我的結語是「希望他是受到rain delay的影響,否則實在讓人很擔心他的手怎麼了。」果然馬上就被檢查出肩膀有問題,也只能祈禱他能夠康復了。
" He works with four pitches led by a 91-95 mph fastball and a knockout slider, along with good control if not always command."
No. 47 Brandon Beachy
"Beachy's stuff doesn't grade out that well, but he has tremendous deception, and he's very effective at getting hitters to swing and miss at his fastball the first couple of times through the lineup. He pitches up in the zone, making him fly ball-prone, and he racked up high pitch counts in 2011 that kept him from going through lineups a third time."
開季後Beachy的第一場先發就可以看出Beachy的特性,「Beachy由於established level在哪不清楚,第一場出來靠的是速球威力,變化球控制非常差,雖然到球賽中段有調整回來一點,他善用好球帶內側,速球角度是上飄類的飛球投手,威力比速度上看到的90-92優,靠曲球變速另應該有滑球」,上面講到Heyward的那篇連結裡我也說過:「他的速球速度雖不突出,但有something there讓他的速球讓打者不好對應,而今天第六局的爆炸也是由於主戰的滑球在關鍵時刻控不住」。Law也看到了Beachy速球威力比帳面速度優這一點,Law認為是他投球的deception很好,這點我是持保留態度,目前我比較偏向是認為這個威力來自他的速球本身而非投球動作。
"Deception guys often struggle the more they go around a league, so there's probably some regression in his future, but an optimistic forecast on Beachy would have him as a potential No. 3 starter because of the bats he's missed in the past, especially if he junks the slider and throws the curveball instead."
No. 49 Craig Kimbrel
"Kimbrel works with a plus fastball and plus slider, and if Fredi Gonzalez didn't work him to death this year (I picture the Atlanta manager tapping his right arm in his sleep just out of habit), he could have another two or three years like 2011 in him."
No. 50 Mike Minor
"He's not as good as he looked at Triple-A in 2010, but better than Atlanta seemed to think he was in 2011. Minor is probably a solid No. 4, with a chance to be a No. 3, because he's got a good changeup, plus control, and good feel for pitching. On his best nights, he'll show an above-average curveball or hit 93 mph with his heater, but he will pitch with solid-average velocity and will have nights where he gets by on feel and changing speeds."